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 Activite "sexual awarness"

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6 participants
Présidente (mauvaise) 2008-2009

Nombre de messages : 929
Age : 42
Date d'inscription : 17/02/2008

Activite "sexual awarness" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Activite "sexual awarness"   Activite "sexual awarness" Empty21.07.09 11:38

voui voui je comprends ...pas de souci ce n'était pas un reproche juste que nous vous avions je pense pas assez fait de transmission sur la sensib de l'année passée
a creuser pr l'année prochaine en effet... au moins vous saurez mieux comment adapter votre discours et les thèmes pr cette tranche d'age
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Nombre de messages : 141
Date d'inscription : 21/02/2008

Activite "sexual awarness" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Activite "sexual awarness"   Activite "sexual awarness" Empty20.07.09 18:42

compris et approuvé à 100% Wink
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Hugo Cancio Pastor
Hugo Cancio Pastor

Nombre de messages : 171
Age : 35
Date d'inscription : 22/11/2008

Activite "sexual awarness" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Activite "sexual awarness"   Activite "sexual awarness" Empty20.07.09 15:01

Ce que nous avons voulu faire cette annee, c'est inclure les plus petits et ne pas les delaisser...
Pour cela nous avons vise des notions simples : le sentiment amoureux, les differents amours (amour maternel, fraternel...) sous forme ludique (dessins..) mais ils ont vite decroche !
Du coup, ce que l'on pensait faire pour les annees a venir, etait de proposer une sensi sex aux plus de 10 ans et une sensi hygiene aux moins de 10 ans (car etant les plus jeunes ils n'ont pas pu en profiter lors des precedentes missions), et tout cela le meme jour pour ne delaisser ni les uns ni les autres !
J'espere que vous comprenez nos intentions ?
Affaire a suivre in France....
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Présidente (mauvaise) 2008-2009

Nombre de messages : 929
Age : 42
Date d'inscription : 17/02/2008

Activite "sexual awarness" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Activite "sexual awarness"   Activite "sexual awarness" Empty20.07.09 14:04

oui pr les classes d' age je suis d'acc avec toi, j'avais pas compris que vous le faisiez aussi avec les tout petits...
l'année derniere on s'était limité je crois à plus de 11 ans.
A noter.

sensib à réiterer !!!!!

très beau boulot !
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Hugo Cancio Pastor
Hugo Cancio Pastor

Nombre de messages : 171
Age : 35
Date d'inscription : 22/11/2008

Activite "sexual awarness" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Activite "sexual awarness"   Activite "sexual awarness" Empty20.07.09 13:39

Ouai on en a parle lorsque l'on a developpe le VIH (au sein meme du chapitre MST si tu veux tout savoir...).
Maintenant, meme si nous ne comprenons rien au Viet, nous preferions rester hors des pioles pour leur laisser plus d'intimite. On fesait plutot la police afin que regne le calme et le serenite dans cet hantre de paix ! Et ma foi, je ne crois pas que ce soit nous mais je trouve que cela a plutot bien n'y avait pas un pet de bruit, tout le monde etait absorbe !
Par consequent, j'espere que Linh a traite le sujet mais il est reste tellement longtemps avec les gars que pour ca je lui fait entierement confiance thumright
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Vice/Faux-Président 2008-2009
Vice/Faux-Président 2008-2009

Nombre de messages : 118
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2008

Activite "sexual awarness" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Activite "sexual awarness"   Activite "sexual awarness" Empty20.07.09 12:30

Vous avez parle de la transmission par voie sanguine pour qu`ils evitent de faire leurs trip genre frere de sang etc etc ??
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Prez de rêve
Prez de rêve

Nombre de messages : 601
Age : 35
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2008

Activite "sexual awarness" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Activite "sexual awarness"   Activite "sexual awarness" Empty20.07.09 10:06

A propos de la sensi sexuelle, on a fait un petit debriefing. Voici ce qui en est ressorti:

Je vous rappelle qu'au debut on voulait faire une partie commune filles garcons puis ensuite les separer car les filles voulaient poser des questions personnelles (notamment des questions tres precises sur les regles par exemple) et ne voulaient pas la presence des garcons.

Mais nous avons tout de suite change nos plans apres 5 min car les garcons foutaient un tel bordel que nous avons separe les filles et les garcons des le debut. Ca s'est ensuite tres bien passe.

-Pour les filles de plus de 10 ans: elles ont posees plein de questions, etaient vraiment interessees, et "Rabbit" la volontaire vietnamienne etait vraiment bien. Donc c'etait vraiment super.

- Pour les garcons de plus de 10 ans on craignait un peu que ca soit le gros bordel, mais grace a Linh ils ont ete vraiment supers, ils ont poses beaucoup de questions, et se sont vraiment interesses. Je tiens vraiment a dire que Linh est vraiment genial car pour capter l'attention des garcons, c'est vraiment pas facile...

Pour le groupe de plus de 10 ans c'etait donc vraiment bien: la demo de pose de preservatif s'est deroulee dans le calme, les deux groupes ont meme pose des questions tres pertinentes (excepte Tan qui m'a demande s'il pouvait faire un ballon avec mais bon... on lui pardonne car il avait pose de tres bonnes questions avant).

Pour les enfants de moins de 10 ans ca a ete un peu plus complique, et je pense que c'est de notre faute:
Ils ont commence par un dessin, sur ce que representait l'amour pour eux et les differences entre garcons et filles.
1ere remarque: pour deux petites qui devaient avoir 4 ans, ce genre de consigne ce n'est vraiment pas adapte...

Pour les autres ca a ete meme si certains n'avaient pas compris le theme du dessin tout de suite (merci Co pour ton deuxieme monochrome de la mission, tres reussi!! Very Happy )

Ensuite ils ont explique leur dessin.

Normalement ils auraient du faire plein de choses apres (des choses qu'on avait prevu sur la sensi sex) mais c'etait trop pour eux et ils n'ont pas pu se concentrer... Donc l'activite etait finie.

Je pense donc que le fond du probleme c'est qu'on a pas assez adapte cette sensi a cette classe d'age. Ils ont besoin de faire des choses ludiques, or nous avions prevu une discussion, un debat... ce qui etait totalement inadapte.

Je pense donc que pour des sensibilisation comme celle-ci, on devrait s'adapter pour les petits en faisant des choses peut etre plus utiles pour eux, et plus pratiques, comme le brossage de dent par exemple... (qui certes avait ete fait l'an dernier mais ces enfants la n'etaient pas la).

En conclusion, il ne faut pas se borner a un seul type de sensi, mais adapter le theme a l'age (dans ce cas, on aurait fait sensi sex pour les plus de 10 ans et sensi hygiene pour les plus petits par exemple).
Certes cela demande plus de boulot mais je pense qu'ils auraient appris plus si on avait fait une sensi sur le brossage de dents...

Donc ce n'est juste qu'une reflexion, mais a garder en memoire pour les autres annees!!!

P.S: Malgre nos reticences pour le groupe des plus jeunes, eux se sont eclates!!!
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Président 2004-2005

Nombre de messages : 761
Age : 41
Localisation : Toulouse
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2004

Activite "sexual awarness" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Activite "sexual awarness"   Activite "sexual awarness" Empty19.07.09 20:37

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Vice/Faux-Président 2008-2009
Vice/Faux-Président 2008-2009

Nombre de messages : 118
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2008

Activite "sexual awarness" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Activite "sexual awarness"   Activite "sexual awarness" Empty18.07.09 14:24

Ca gere ! Merci a Zara +++++++
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Présidente (mauvaise) 2008-2009

Nombre de messages : 929
Age : 42
Date d'inscription : 17/02/2008

Activite "sexual awarness" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Activite "sexual awarness"   Activite "sexual awarness" Empty17.07.09 21:42

c'est ce que j'appelle du boulot de malade....
merci pour le CR !!
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Prez de rêve
Prez de rêve

Nombre de messages : 601
Age : 35
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2008

Activite "sexual awarness" Empty
MessageSujet: Questions suite   Activite "sexual awarness" Empty17.07.09 17:23

• Ambition?

Ambition is not so much the desire to achieve, but the action or method of getting to that desire, without the action it is merely a dream.
To have ambition you must first be confident in yourself, trust your abilities, having ambition is just believing in yourself enough to be able to project a goal on the long run.
Everyone has ambition, just not many have the courgae to fight for what they want.

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you drive in” Bill Bradley

• Why can’t the world be only composed by one gender?

The human specie exists and perpetuates only because of procreation. Procreation based on the combined action of the egg from the women and the sperm from the man. If only women existed, there wouldn’t be any sperm, thus no procreation, no babies leading to the extinction of the human race.

• Why are some people thin and others fat?

Fifty per cent is down to genes and the rest is probably down to environment.
Thus keeping a healthy balanced diet means eating a variety of foods plenty of fruits and vegetables and especially eating low in fat, salt and sugar will help prevent gaining non wanted kilos.
It is important to add that todays society pressures us to look thin, slim is the trend. This showed by the skinny runway models, but this isn’t reality. And generally those girls have major health problems due to lack of numerous food properties, like tooth lose, digestive problems…

• What to do if you’re scared your pregnant?

You had unprotected sex or the condom broke a few weeks ago and now your period is late. Dealing with an unplanned pregnancy can be a stressful time in any woman’s life. But if you’re a teenager, the situation can seem like a catastrophe.

You don’t want to be a parent yet!! How do you tell your parents? Where do you go for help? And what will your friends think? Teen pregnancy can be a scary thing. But before you start to freak out, take a deep breath and remember that you are not the first teenager to experience an unwanted pregnancy. Millions of others have gone through (and survived) the same thing. So, what are the first steps you should take?

If emergency:
If you just had unprotected sex yesterday and like to take steps to prevent a pregnancy, then you can take an emergency contraceptive pill (ECP). This is a pill that you get from a doctor or at a drugstore and can help you out by stoping the eggs fertilization. However, ECP can only be taken within 120 hours after having unprotected sex and is more effective the sooner you take it. After that, ECP can’t help you. If you’re already pregnant ECP won’t be able to change that.

If you suspect that you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test, which you can buy at any drugstore. It basically detects the precense of fertilized eggs hormones. You have to pee on a little strip and according to the colour changes it will tell if you or if you are not pregnant.

If you are sure that you’re pregnant, then you have a few options open to you. You could keep the baby and be a parent. Or, you could continue the pregnancy and give the baby up for adoption. Lastly, you do have the option of terminating the prgnancy by having an abortion.

If you decide that you want to keep the baby, then you’ll have to be prepared to be a parent. Being a parent is a full-time job and it doesn’t matter if you’re an adult or a teenager: It’s hard work.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t do it. Many pregnant teenager girls have decided to take the mother role and are wonderful loving parents.
However, it is important to remain realistic in your vision of becoming a parent.

Being a parent can be a very rewarding and special experience. But, regardless of age, it can also take a lot of time, a lot of money, and a lot of patience to be a parent.
To help decide if this is the right choice for you, here are some questions you should ask yourself:
- How will i support my child?
- How much support can i expect from my family and friends?
- Am i willing to puut off school to raies a child?
- Is this the really right time for me to be a parent?

You might find this difficult to make the decision on your own. Is there someone you trust to talk about this? Your parents would be the best choice, but not every girl feels that she can go to them straight away. A friend, a relative, or your doctor are all good choices.
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Prez de rêve
Prez de rêve

Nombre de messages : 601
Age : 35
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2008

Activite "sexual awarness" Empty
MessageSujet: Reponses aux questions   Activite "sexual awarness" Empty17.07.09 17:23

Sexuality questions:

• Why do girls have their period?

Puberty is the name for when your body begins to develop and change. During puberty, your body will grow faster than any other time in your life, except for when you were an infant.
When your body reaches a certain age, your brain releases a special hormone that starts the changes of puberty. It's called gonadotropin-releasing hormone, or GnRH for short. When GnRH reaches the pituitary gland (a pea-shaped gland that sits just under the brain), this gland releases into the bloodstream two more puberty hormones: luteinizing hormone (LH for short) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH for short). Guys and girls have both of these hormones in their bodies. And depending on whether you're a guy or a girl, these hormones go to work on different parts of the body. In girls, FSH and LH target the ovaries, which contain eggs that have been there since birth. The hormones stimulate the ovaries to begin producing another hormone called estrogen. Estrogen, along with FSH and LH, causes a girl's body to mature and prepares her for pregnancy.
So that's what's really happening during puberty — it's all these new chemicals moving around inside your body, turning you from a teen into an adult with adult levels of hormones.
These hormones are responsible for the first peiod or beginning of menstruation, so called menarche. Girls generally start to menstruate between the ages of 10 and 16.
But menstruation isn't just about having a period. It's a sign that a girl is physically capable of becoming pregnant.

During the menstrual cycle, hormones are released from different parts of the body to help control and prepare the body for pregnancy. That preparation begins when the ovaries (two oval-shaped organs that lie to the upper right and left of the uterus, or womb) produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones trigger certain changes in the endometrium (the lining of the uterus). Then, other hormones from the pituitary gland stimulate the maturing and release of the egg, or ovum, from the ovary.
The release of the egg is called ovulation, and it occurs in the middle of the cycle — usually day 14 of a 28-day cycle, for example. From the ovary, the egg moves into one of the fallopian tubes (the two tubes that lead from the ovaries to the uterus).

If the egg is fertilized by sperm, the fertilized egg will take about 2 to 4 days to travel down the fallopian tube. It will then attach to the thick, blood-rich lining of the uterus. If it's not fertilized, the egg begins to fall apart, the estrogen and progesterone levels drop, and the uterine lining breaks down and is shed — this bleeding is what's known as a period.A menstrual cycle lasts from the first day of one period to the first day of the next. The typical cycle of an adult female is 28 days, although some are as short as 22 days and others are as long as 45. Periods usually last about 5 days, although that can vary, too. During a period, a woman passes about 2–4 tablespoons (30–59 milliliters) of menstrual fluid.
In between the menstrual periods, there may be a clear or whitish vaginal discharge. This is normal.
About 6 months to 1 year before a girl gets her first period, her body may start to produce vaginal discharge. This is normal and is caused by the changing level of hormones in the body, resulting in an increase in secretions in the vagina. This discharge helps keep the vagina healthy.Normal vaginal fluids vary in texture from thin and slightly sticky to thick and gooey. They also vary in color, ranging from clear to white or off-white. The amount of discharge can vary depending upon a girl's menstrual cycle. For example, fluids tend to be a bit heavier around the time a girl ovulates, which is when an egg is released from the ovary and moves into the fallopian tube.
For the first few years after menstruation begins, cycles are often irregular. They may be shorter (3 weeks) or longer (6 weeks), or a young woman may have only three or four periods a year. The absence of periods is called amenorrhea. A girl should see her doctor if she hasn't started menstruating by age 15, or 3 years after her first signs of puberty appeared.
• Why does our body change when we grow up?

When you enter puberty, it might seem like your sleeves are always getting shorter and your pants always look like you're ready for a flood — that's because you're experiencing a major growth spurt. It lasts for about 2 to 3 years. When that growth spurt is at its peak, some people grow 4 or more inches in a year.

This growth during puberty will be the last time your body grows taller. After that, you will be at your adult height. But your height isn't the only thing that will be changing.
As your body grows taller, it will change in other ways, too. You will gain weight, and as your body becomes heavier, you'll start to notice changes in its overall shape. Guys shoulders will grow wider, and their bodies will become more muscular. Their voices will become deeper. For some guys, the breasts may grow a bit, but for most of them this growth goes away by the end of puberty.
Guys will notice other changes, too, like the lengthening and widening of the penis and the enlargement of the testes. All of these changes mean that their bodies are developing as expected during puberty.
Girls' bodies usually become curvier. They gain weight on their hips, and their breasts develop, starting with just a little swelling under the nipple. Sometimes one breast might develop more quickly than the other, but most of the time they soon even out. With all this growing and developing going on, girls will notice an increase in body fat and occasional soreness under the nipples as the breasts start to enlarge — and that's normal.
Gaining some weight is part of developing into a woman, and it's unhealthy for girls to go on a diet to try to stop this normal weight gain. If you ever have questions or concerns about your weight, talk it over with your doctor.
• How come only girls have periods?
Boys change in different ways during puberty, like the deepening of their voices and the growth of facial hair. Getting her period means a girl can have a baby. Periods happen because of changes in the uterus a body part that girls have but boys do not.
• Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)?
PMS is a group of symptoms linked to the menstrual cycle. PMS symptoms occur in the week or two weeks before your period (menstruation or monthly bleeding). The symptoms usually go away after your period starts. PMS can affect menstruating women of any age. It is also different for each woman.
PMS often includes both physical and emotional symptoms. Common symptoms are:
 acne
 breast swelling and tenderness
 feeling tired
 having trouble sleeping
 upset stomach, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea
 headache or backache
 appetite changes or food cravings
 joint or muscle pain
 trouble concentrating or remembering
 tension, irritability, mood swings, or crying spells
 anxiety or depression

• Is it normal if ny period isn’t always red?
It's normal for period blood to be brown as well as red.
Our periods are as individual as we are. Blood flow isn't exactly the same every time we have a period, especially for the first couple of years following menarche.
Menstrual flow also can look different over the course of the same period. Blood may start out bright red and turn darker red or brown toward the end of the period. Or blood may start out brown and turn red. And differences in texture, like blood clots and tissue, can happen as the uterus sheds its extra lining.
Lots of girls worry about whether their periods are normal. Although differences in menstrual flow are usually nothing to be concerned about, a doctor or nurse can always answer any questions you have.
• Why do we have hair?
At all ages, our skin has fine, short hairs all over it. The amount and type depends on our genes, you will know if you just take a look at your parents. When we are going through puberty, we start to grow thicker and darker hair around our genitals, which are called pubic hair, under our armpits and on our legs.
During puberty, our adrenal glands start producing hormones: adrenal adrogenes. They start to rise approximatively age seven to eight in girls and boys. Adrenal androgenes contribute to the development of prepubertal growth spurt and pubic and underarm. Boys and girls can vary widely in the age at which they begin to have androgene productions

• Why do our breats grow?
It’s an exciting time when your breasts finally start growing. And often an anxious time, with lots of worries… like how big will they get, will they look good, and is anything wrong with mine? So here is the basic information you need to know about healthy breasts.
The development of tender breast “buds” is usually the first sign of puberty in girls. Some girls notice breast growth as early as age 7 or 8, while others don’t start until age 13 or so. The timing is determined by your own biologic “clock” that tells your body to start producing high levels of female hormones. Breasts go through five “stages” of growth over the next five to six years, until their full maturity is reached by age 17 or 18. The final size of a girl’s breasts is determined by heredity and can range from very small (like bra size AA) to very full (such as size EE). Breast size varies greatly among women, and all sizes and shapes are normal and healthy.
The breast made up of milk glands and ducts, connective tissue and fat. In teenagers and young women the breast tissue is firm and dense, and then becomes softer and more fatty with age. There is no muscle tissue in the breast, which is why there are no exercises to make them bigger. However, the pectoral muscles that lie underneath the breasts can be firmed up to provide lift and shape (think of the “pecs” on male body builders.) Since the breasts do contain lots of fat cells, women will notice their bra size increases with weight gain.
Nature designed a woman’s breast to produce milk for her baby. In our society however, the breast is often viewed as a symbol of femininity and sexual attractiveness, so it is normal for a young woman to have lots of questions about her breasts.
• Why are there boys and girls?
After the egg is released (ovulation), the egg will or will not be fertilized by sperm.
The fertilized egg will then travel down the fallopian tubes, and attach itsself on the red thick uterus lining. The sex of the egg is determined in these earl stages, the meeting between the sperm and the egg.

Indeed, the sex of the baby is determined by the two sex chromosomes inherited from the parents.A baby will normally inherit one sex chromosome from the mother, and one from the father. A woman has two X chromosomes, so she can give either of her X chromosomes. The father can give either his X or Y chromosome.
Since the egg already contains an X chromosome (from the mother), the gender of a baby is determined by the X or Y sex chromosome of the sperm cell from the father
A girl baby will result if the final arrangement is XX, and a boy will result if it is XY. As you would expect, about half of the sperm cells contain an X chromosome, and half contain a Y chromosome.
Thus, the chances of having a girl or a boy are the same.

• Why are girls and boys different?
Are gender differences inborn? Does my son like trucks because he’s as different from girls as cats are from dogs? Boys come out of the womb clutching footballs, girls cuddling dolls?
Probably not, but young kids seem to believe that. Environment plays a role in human sex-based differences.These results have important implications for how children think about activities that are culturally associated with the other gender, for example, how girls think about science or math.
• Why are there different penis sizes?

All in all, during puberty the boys sexual organs develop, become fatter longer.
The disparities of penis size are essentially due to different hormone levels and heridity

• Why do we fall in love?

Everyone has a sexual nature, everyone has a need for sexuality, everyone has a sexual personality that has been formed by home, schooling, the trial and error of life experience, and whatever they pick up along the way from the subtle and not-so-subtle influences of the society in which they live.
Sexual attraction between human beings is driven by a completely different force: their search for their divine image and the need to perpetuate the human race.
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Prez de rêve
Prez de rêve

Nombre de messages : 601
Age : 35
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2008

Activite "sexual awarness" Empty
MessageSujet: Activite "sexual awarness"   Activite "sexual awarness" Empty17.07.09 17:22

Merci Zara pour l'enorme travail de traduction et de reponse aux questions des filles.

Sexual awarness

I – Young

1 – Drawing

We are going to give each child a blank paper and are going to ask them to draw. The subject of their drawing will be: What a boy and a girl represents? What is the difference between the two physically as well as mentally ( activities wise, maturity…)

Debate : Once the drawing is finished, we will ask each child to explain his or her drawing.

2 – What is love ?

The goal of this part is to sensitize the children on the different ways to love: spouse love, fraternal love, maternal love, friendship…
This by doing a debate or a Qusetion and answer session.
These are the questions :

- What do you like ?
Sports, animals…..
- What are the differences between liking a sport (football, dance..), an activity
(music/songs…) and loving your brother and sister?
 passion VS love
- What are the differences between loving your mother and loving your brother and sister ?
 Maternal love VS fraternel love
- What are the differences between the love between your parents and their love for you ?
 Spouse love VS maternal love

For some, it is a deep uncontrolable feeling which fills you with happiness.
Love manifests its self by a strong feeling bonding one to another, wanting you to always be with that someone and even sometimes makes you sad, when your loved one is gone.
Love is giving, receiving, discovering, sharing. The desire may be so strong that you may become possessif, leading to jealousy.

Love is sometimes hidden, many find it hard to show their feelings, but love is easy to express.
While waiting to fall in love, the most important thing is to accept onesself and to love ones self.

3 – Fertilization and Conception

How do we make babies?

When two people fall in love, at one point they desire to have a baby.
To make a baby you need to be two. The dads seed has to meet the moms egg.
Combined, the little egg will gradually grow up inside the moms tummy and become a baby.
Nine months later, the baby is ready to grow by himself, so he comes out and takes his first breath outside the moms tummy.

II – Adolescents

1 – General presentation

- The fertilization phases

Fertilization is the moment an egg and sperm joint to create life. For this to happen, sex between a male and a female must have taken place and the male deposited sperm in the female vaginal tract.
Once the sperm swim to the fallopian tubes they live up to 7 days waiting for an egg to arrive with ovulation.

The fertilized egg then moves down the fallopian tubes to the uterus where it will implant it’s self to begin pregnancy, on this journey the cells will divide but if something goes wrong, it is passed with the following period, only one in four fertilized eggs will make it to full term pregnancy.

- Puberty

Puberty is the passage between childhood and adulthood. It is a key moment, physical transformations, pyschological, emotional, which will allow the girl or the boy to procreate, to love (spouse love) and to assert ones self in society.

• For boys :

It generally begins at the age of 10 to 14. It begins by hormone secretion awaking ones sexual organs. Thus, there are many changes such as:
- Hair growth on ones arms, legs, pubis and later on the face ( beginning of the downy hairs which need later on to be shaved)
- The skin becomes less neat, with ones first pimples (acne)
- The penis and the testicles start to develop (becomes fatter) due to the sperm synthesis.
- Ones first ejaculations, not to worry if there are some night ejaculations.
- All theses changes are difficult to control, in particular mood wise due essentially to testosterone.

• For the girls :

Beginning generally at the age of 9 to 14. There are many changes :
- Hair growth on the underarm and in the pubis region.
- The skin becomes less neat and ones first pimples appear.
- The breasts start to swell, the waistline slims down, the hips widen and become curvier
- First period
- Mentally girls feel more mature and want things to change faster.

- Contraception

Contraception are all the means used by boys and girls in order to prevent deliberately pregnancy. Some contraceptives can also protect ones self against numerous sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) :
- Contraceptives pills are today the most used method and the most efficient. It is advised to be taken daily and at the same time.
- The IUS intrauterine system is a small plastic object in the shape of a T, that the doctor places in the uterus.It is really reliable especially for forgetful people
- Contraceptive injections, its a little plastic implant injected into the muscle, it is very efficient and renewed every 3 years.
- Skin patchle
- Cervical implants, placed by ones self in the vagina (like a tampon) and efficient three weeks.
None of these methods protect one fom HIV and other STDs
 Whatever method used, it is important that it be used combined with condoms

STDs can transform a pleasurefull moment into terrible times of pain and sufferance. Today condoms are still the best method used to protect ones self against all these diseases.
So protect yourself.

Condoms have double roles a contraceptive method as well as a way to prevent STDs. It is very efficient if well used. For this, here are some rules to be respected before any sexual relations :
- Change the condom after each use
- To be placed before any sexual contacts, by unrolling it on ones penis while erection. Unroll till the base of the penis.
- Not to lubrifcate it with vaseline, oil, cream or saliva, this could damage the latexs quality.
- Take off the condom after ejaculation and before the end of the erection, being careful not to let any sperm leak out.
- This done, tie it up and throw it the rubbish bin not in the toilets.
- If the condom tears, you should go to the closest hospital, they will then propose the most adapted preventive methods.
- STDs

Transmitted by sexual contacts, genital, orogenital, anogenital, STDs which also include AIDS are extremely serious and contagious diseases due to certain microbes, bacteria, viruses or fungi.

One sexual relation can contaminate you.

STDs can also be transmitted to the baby during pregnancy and the consequences can be severe.

Today, there is only one solution to reduce risks of contracting an STD : Use A condom

The most known STD is most certainly AIDS

HIVor the human immunodeficiency virus attacks the immunitary sytem, system our bdty uses to defend its self against potential agressors. Progresively, the virus destroys the essential elements of the immune system such as the white cells or so called CD4 lymphocyts. When the rate of these lymphocyts are to low, many sever infections can occur called opportunist infections. At this phase we talk about AIDS.
The AIDs is present in many body liquids :
- Blood
- Sperm and semen liquid
- Vaginal discharges
- Maternal milk

Thus, these are the different transmitting ways :
- sexually if having unsafe sex (no condom) with an infected person
- by blood, by seringue exchanges or in contact of an open cut
- Mother to baby transmission by the milk

Today, no curing treatment exists, the vaccine does not exist either. We can only slower the symptoms evolution.

There are many other STDs like :
- hepatitis (A, B, C) more or less severe
- syphilis
- genital herpes very frequent
- gonorrhoeales risk of being sterile
- chlamydiae infection risk of being sterile
- human papilloma virus (condyloma)

 STDs are relatively frequent and can be more or less severe, so in order to reduce the risks of contracting any of them be safe.

- How to say NO ? How to refuse a proposal ?

2 – Separate groups

- Girls:

Response to the questions asked

- Boys:

Sexual quizz for the boys

1 – How many contraception methods do you know ? list them.

2 – Does a condom protect you against HIV ? Malaria ? Hepatitis (B or C) ?

3 – Does the pill protect you against HIV ?

4 – Can we get HIV by doing a blowjob ?

5 – Can HIV be transmitted using the toothbrush or the shaver of a contaminated person ?

6 – Do you think only boys can use a condom ?

7 – Can we reuse again a condom after several sexual intercourses ?

8 – What do we have to do if the condom tears its self during sexual intercourse
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Etudiants Toulousains pour l'Aide Internationale :: LE SALON :: CARNETS DE BORD :: Eté 2009-
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